I am a woman on the Edge... but the edge of what you ask... Sanity... Life... You name it. I'd also like to think I'm on the edge of something great, just don't know what that great thing is yet...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Just an FYI...

I've begun a bit of a labor of love for me... and turned my old Manga blog into a creative haven for myself... right now I'm posting a fan fiction story and artwork to go with it. I'd appreciate it if you'd head over and give it a read, what I have anyway... I'd recommend using the pages to read it instead of the individual blog posts...

My creative haven

Thanks in advance :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

My new writer's blog

I've decided that I'm turning the blog I started to talk about manga into a writing blog... if you wonna check it out here's the link:Sailor Midnyght Alchemist's Writer's Haven Please drop by and give it a read... right now I just have the first few chapters of a massive fan story I'm writing up there... but I'd love any constructive feed back you guys can provide... I"m hoping to get a whole bunch of other stuff there but for now... well... its sort of small. But hopefully you guys like it. :)