I am a woman on the Edge... but the edge of what you ask... Sanity... Life... You name it. I'd also like to think I'm on the edge of something great, just don't know what that great thing is yet...

Friday, August 6, 2010

How do they do it????

Who knew writing a content specific blog could be so tough!?!?!? I've been wrestling with my other blog adventure, "Mindyght's Manga Madness" for a few days now. What is this you ask? Pretty much what it sounds like. I've created a blog where I can talk about a passion of mine, manga.

I thought I would start out with the stuff I have in my respectable collection, specifically what I'm re-reading now, Fruits Basket... but good goddess in the heavens this proving to be tougher than I thought! I want to talk about it in a way that will allow those who have read it to have discussions with me but I also don't want to give away the story too much for people who haven't read it yet and want to...

How do reviewers and what not do it?!?!?!?!?!?

Every time I sit down to try and work this review/story overview out I end up deleting it because it sounds so 4th grade or because I've given away something I don't think I should have. *sigh*

Any suggestions????

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